Residents Watch (HSR Layout) - 66076

More than 50% of our stories are free. But if you want to read 'paid' stories after your 30-day free trial ends, it's time to pay for premium content. You will have to pay Rs 50/month to access all stories by opting for a subscription model. Apple device users need to open this link in their safari browser to make the payments. And if you are yet to install our mobile app, use this link to do so right now.

When you subscribe to us, what you get is crucial information that you will not receive from any mainstream media, be it the newspapers, TV or the internet. That's why, it pays to know what's happening in your neighbourhood. That's why one office got to know that the BBMP office was on holiday when they were planning an office visit. Or how a mother in Mumbai keeps a watch over HSR happenings as her daughter stays here. Or how some residents found redressal from the authorities when their problems were highlighted on this channel. And that's also why many residents who believed that there was nothing much to do in HSR to realise that the areas in and around this neighbourhood had many events on weekends that could make them live life much more happily.

Crowdfunding is one of the ways to make our channel less dependent on advertisements. This will also make us get closer to becoming completely insulated from the market forces. Eventually, if we have enough paid subscribers, we can scale up our operations and get into other neighbourhoods. But for that, we need our subscribers to pay for our service. After all, time is money.

And the amount of time we spend on this channel requires encouragement from you. And the only form of wishing us well is to become a paid subscriber. You get to read all the stories without a hitch, and you also end up helping the world's only weekday news channel on HSR Layout to live on.

If even one spot of news in the last four months of our existence has helped you in any way, it's time to subscribe and balance your 'karma' points. If we have highlighted issues you wanted us to write about, and there was some concrete action by the authorities, not only should you subscribe but also encourage every neighbour of yours to enroll as well. In addition, please hit the 'like', 'comment' and 'share' buttons to spread the word everytime you like a story.

Information is power. The more it is shared, the more powerful it gets. Our aim is to reach the most people in HSR Layout, and only our readers can help us get there through word of mouth. And the easiest way to do that is to 'share' our stories on social media platforms.

In much the same manner, your opinion is important to us. Please spare a minute and answer our online poll on what you like and don't like about our daily news channel. Just click here and you are good to go.

For important phone nos of HSR, from plumbers and carpenters to corporators and civic officials, click HERE.

ABOUT US After six years as a monthly magazine on HSR Layout, we are now a Monday-Friday news channel on smartphones. Suggest others to follow our channel by sharing this link:
WANTED: CITIZEN JOURNALISTS Want to work with us as a citizen journalist, have a news tip or interested in advertising with us? WhatsApp@98805-85748.

Residents Watch (HSR Layout) - 66076