yes but through Sip or if you want to do in lumpsum you can break you captial into 5 equal parts & invest when there is a dip
@sharmayrr don't start trading 1st try to learn about the markets like basic supply & demand and after that try with index or top 10 companies investigating without proper knowledge trading will not help you
invest for long term and be consistent start SIP in small & mid cap and hold atleast for 6 to 10 years and see the magic of compounding
@shyam5470 not possible for 1cr Target you have to get a expected rate of return of more than 30 % which is not possible in case of mutual funds
@snehaliyer then don't invest in sectoral funds instead go for MIDCAP or small cap if you're willing to take risk
I don't think it's right time to invest in psu fund because they are overvalued and risk in this type of funds are high