Don't sell your stocks in panic guys अच्छे दिन आयेंगे, अच्छी companies के shares हैं तो frofit होगा, भले ही समय लगेगा l गिरावट market की आदत है l more
पहले मै रियल मनी खोकर सीखता था, परन्तु अब नहीं, अब मेरे पास है front पेज, अब मैं पहले strategy बनाता हूँ, फिर उसे 3 माह तक front page पर टेस्ट more
If you want to trade, then practice thoroughly on a paper trading app before trading with real money. After your portfolio doubles from trading, then invest real money.
You should practice on front page, paper trading, and after practice before putting in real money, and do not invest real money until you record a profit in it.
SMKC my favorite yt channel, it gives me a lot of knowledge about stock market. I am watching it since last 4 years. My performance in stock market is because of this channel only.