Investing University - 1304242
In my list of ‘must read books’, *Banker to the Poor* holds a very special place. 📙
This book has altered my way of thinking when it comes to contributing to the poor.
The author of this book, Muhammad Yunus is the first *Nobel Prize winner* from Bangladesh. 🏆
He truly deserves this award. Infact, he deserves one more!
At a time when no bank or government was giving loans to the poor, Yunus started Grameen.
The basic premise of Grameen was that getting credit is every human being’s right and not a luxury just for the rich. 😮
His model was so successful that today 60+ countries have adopted this model.
Grameen has given loans to millions of poor people, of whom women are in the majority.
And the repayment of these loans is almost 100%.
Isn’t that amazing?🤩
Yunus has demonstrated how ‘giving credit (loan) to the poorest’ can transform their lives.
And how effective it can be compared to any welfare programs of the Government or the NGOs.
✔️Poorest cannot be left to suffer with the premise that their condition will improve with time, as broader economic conditions of the country improves.
✔️How successful have we been to eliminate poverty with the above notion of economic development? Sure, there has been progress, but it is far from satisfactory.
Yunus also talks about taking poverty to the museums. 🖼️
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