CE-Call EuropeanIt means when you think the market will go up,You may buy the ce of near onePE-Put European vice versa
Brother Long-Term has been always The best one!!!If you do not have any source of income,first make it invest them with safe MFsif u are lefting with some money then start trading.Do everything on your research
ETF is EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDThere are Many ETFs.You should do your own reasearch.some are-niftybees,s and p 500 etc.
@sunilkumarsahu4160 There is A Big Risk in Small cap funds because the stock if Is of 50 it can be easy to go 20.Thrre is risk but not much in long term period
Invest at your own risk.It is only for educational purpose.You may go for the following Funds-1-Mid-Cap funds-It will give you a very good growth.You can choose Quant or Nippon mid cap according to you.2-Small-Cap Fund-Risk will be more but returns will be very good for 10 yea...
You may start investing in a small cap funds of quant or Nippon for long period,it will give you a very high return You can make a sip of 3.5k thereOnly for educational purpose