Please talk to me, i am a genuine advisor. Maybe we can guide you to achieve your goals. You not only need to invest but to fulfil your goals by keeping watch over invested amount.
I suugest you to go to mutual fund directly. This FoF is indirect route. Choose best funfs. Need my help, feel gree to contact. I am a registered MF advisor.
I see possibility to shift some funds to better funds. You have lot of tax saving plans with compulsory 3 year lockin. please call me we can discuss and plan long term strategy. Sachin.
I suggest you should go for multi asset or hybrid schemes if you have long term perspective. That will be less riskier than any particular sector. If you need my help, fewl free to contact me. I am a certified mutual fund advisor, Sachin
Yes dear, you can open minor account jointly as guardian. When he will turn major, this will be transferred to major account and he can operate by himself. In case you need my help I'll be more than happy to assist. I am a certified mutual fund advisor. Sachin here too.
If good to see a investor who knows his pros and cons beforehand stating to invest. You can search on Internet about various avenues where one should invest according to their risks and limitations. But Internet alone does not provide clear information on what is good...
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