@arinkan2672 Mostly nifty will be expected to fall, So when the market opens swing as high as possible and exit your positions, and take a new position afterwards. Keep sl always.
Any reason or logic ?The stock is ready to fall and it didn't even crossed 690rs , just hit at rejected at 690rs !So i think, you should do retest before recommendation.and You are recommending for intraday stock with 1yr candles.. Its strange.Thank you.#TATAMOTORS
You should trade with a stop loss always for the unexpected event and to save the capital.The expiry of the strike is very close , so it will lose the premium very quickly too.You may try to sell it at a swing as high as possible or cost to exit at the current market price by t...
@rishabhanijwal not only think about you, Think overall. For you the market can be friend and even to me but what about others ?Most gets losses its like 9/10 Major losses.Not all the days are winning too in a Streak.That's why.
You cant make a fixed income from that, because Market is not a machine, you need to learn a lot.With failure losses to success..!
@rohitji3107 So recovered ? Or 40k loss ? My recommendation for today is don't trade market sideways, try tomorrow