How to Trade ideasπŸ’‘ which are shared on this profile?
You just have to place buy order on price which is given in chart. Once it get triggered just sit back and wait for the results whether it would be stop loss or target
Risk/Money Management πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Don't take trade in options.
Just buy stock in cash so you will not lose more than 2% of deployed capital if Stop loss hits
All charts shared on profile are having very short term targets (1-5days)
I have my own rule for Target and stoploss πŸ‘‡πŸ»
Target= 2%
Stop loss= 2%
In the end I will just say one thing ... Which everyone says after posting analysis πŸ‘‡πŸ»
I'm not a SEBI registered analyst πŸ˜€