Removing inactive services
We have noticed that a number of services have been created on FrontPage that are no longer active. This causes a number of issues:
- A service with no recent posts looks like a ghost town & drives away potential subscribers. It's like a shop with empty shelves!
- Confuses subscribers who sometimes end up paying for them and later have to be issued refunds.
- Creates clutter and prevents discovery of active services.
In order to remedy this, all services which do not have a post in the last 2 weeks will be automatically deactivated starting TOMORROW.
If you have services that you want to continue to provide, please do post something meaningful in them once in a while so if a prospect visits, it looks active and professional and something that can in fact be subscribed. And do so even if you don't have any subscribers right now, otherwise you will never get one.
Also note that if you created a service that you wish to discontinue for whatever reason, just visit the service > settings page and toggle the "Service status" switch to off. You can turn it ON again whenever you wish to resume the service.