Another Superb Day
#JKPAPER - Jkpaper Added 131 and 128.85 hit intraday high 135.70 Closed near highs
#PANAMAPET - PanamaPetro bought just Yesterday at 115 blasted through the Roof Today hit a high of 137. 80 almost near 20% Uc mark today completed T1 135 in one day Part Booked and Trailed
#BIOCON - Biocon Bought above 395 hit high 410.90 and Closed Near High Part Booked and Trailed
#ONGC - Ongc Bought yesterday 93 hit high 98.60 Near T1 100 Part Booked and Trailed
DLF - Dlf cash Bought 307 and 300 Hold
KOTAKBANK - KotakBank Undoubtedly star of the day Bought 1865 Hit intraday high 1915 above T1 1900 50 point intraday move captured Lot size 400 So 20k per Lot Intraday Part Booked and Trailed Looks good for more
BIRLACORPN - BirlaCorp bought 815 and 800 hit intraday high 830 Closed Strong at 820
ITC - Itc Bought 224.50 hit intraday high 231.40 Closed strong near high Set For More
IRCTC - Irctc cash added 1425 closed 1440 Gap Play should rocket tomorrow