Indian Media is crying on 4.5% gdp growth rate in 2019 Q3. Let's have a look on real facts..
Top 20 countries according to gdp 2019 and their gdp Growth rate for 2019 Q3/Q2-
1. USA 2.1%
2. China 6.0%
3. Japan 1.3%
4. Germany 0.5%
5. United Kingdom 1.0%
6. France 1.4%
7. India 4.5%
8. Italy 0.3%
9. Brazil 1.0%
10. Canada 1.6%
11. Russia 1.7%
12. South Korea 2.0%
13. Spain 2.0%
14. Australia 1.4%
15. Mexico -0.3%
16. Indonesia 5.02%
17. Netherlands 1.90%
18. Saudi Arabia 0.5%
19. Turkey -1.50%
20. Switzerland 1.10%
Topper of gdp growth rate among these 20 countries China also hit the lowest gdp growth rate in 27 years.
INDIA being the 7th largest gdp country holds the 2nd position in gdp growth rate among top 10 nations.
India a $2.72 trillion economy holds 3rd position in gdp growth rate among top 20 countries.