Want to trade in the market but don't have time?
Our Automated Algorithmic Trading Technology will do it for you!
Fully automated with no manual intervention required.
We will be trading with BankNifty Futures and Options!
Back tested accuracy of 80%
Expected return 10-50% of invested capital per lot per month [Subject to market volatility and movement!]

Account Requirements:
- You will need to create an IIFL Trading Account using this link - https://bit.ly/3yAIU19

Capital Requirements for Futures:
- For one BankNifty Future Lot ₹1,35,000/-
- An additional ₹15,000/- per BankNifty Future Lot will be required for drawdowns!

Capital requirements for Options:
- For one BankNifty Options Lot ₹22,000/-
- An additional ₹8,000/- per BankNifty Options Lot will be required for drawdowns!

For any clarifications contact - https://t.me/BankNiftyFnOTrader
You can also visit our website - https://www.algomatology.com