Chartbusters - chart - 11357578
#SUBEXLTD has started upside movements above 200 and all EMAs after JIO 5G deal — stock can start its long term upward momentum after close crossing ₹74.50 decisively within July - September quarter — but more distribution will be seen within ₹56 - 64 - 74 zone — stock will enter risky zone after ₹76 — more time corrections will be seen above ₹74.50 — in exceptional case stock can surge abnormally to ₹214 - 225 — but chances are rare— burst every position near ₹162 — remain cautious as company may not be able to generate more profits and margins out of JIO 5G deals,, I don’t buy such stocks — this is one time & long term my own views — BSE chart attached— take your own views (DYOR)(paper trading)