Have you ever felt, "Why am I still not rich?”
... kaash mere pass bhi paisa hota..!! I think we all have been there.
But these questions will help you discover why you aren't rich yet!
1. Am I not rich because of fear? If you weren't afraid of anything, what would you do right now that could make you rich? Quit your job? Start your own company? Invest your savings in assets? Figure that fear and face it.
2. Am I not rich because of cynicism? This distrust could be of yourself and manifest in overwhelming self-doubt. It could be paranoia about the markets or questioning a solid deal, and backing out of an investment at the last minute.
3. Am I not rich because of laziness? Take a long, honest look at your life. Is your excuse for not investing the fact that you're too busy? Is it really being busy or being lazy?
4. Am I not rich because of bad habits? Your bad habits will lead to a bad future. Are you spending too much? Are you buying things that you don't really need?
5. Am I not rich because of arrogance? You can easily lose money by being arrogant. Why? When you believe that you know everything or anything you do not know is not important.
Whixb question did you find the most helpful of the above 5?