Actually it's a great app if we compare with few and smoother as well but having said this I would still say it has a lot of lacunas. It's totally dependent on outside knowledge centres to bring in the piece of knowledge for followers. That's way too long a process and even tiring, this itself is a huge gray area that needs improvement and inbuilt news centre.
You don't have live charts and when someone brings it in, you get offended. Thats wrong. I have seen often that your whole focus is on the third party apps,paid service etc, Nobody should talk about them. Why not when you are not capable enough and it remains a discussion forum then naturally its bound to happen.
Fair enough, that you wish to get all paid services to go through your channel. Are you sure that is happening the way it should. No.
Still you are by passed and there are reasons for it, the issues that we face on this app. You should fix them or else analyst and followers will keep on fixing the deal and remain out the deal.
Anyways can't type much though I wish to take you to the points of action. Later I will. Thanks slot.