Summary 6th May
Previous Buys
#BHEL - Bhel Made high 59.30 from 47.30 Almost 25% Return Done Part Booked and Trailed
MANINDS - Manind bought 94/90 made fresh 52w high 99.50 Part Booked and Trailed
APOLLOHOSP - ApolloHosp Ce Bought 100 Exited 95 Not Moving as per Expectation
DHAMPURSUG - Dhampursugar Bought yesterday 265 exited 263 Stock added into ASM
IEX - IEX Bought 365/350 Completed T1 400 and made high 405.90 Part Booked and Trailed
#SHREYAS - Shreyas Chart shared in morning Opened gap up 105 but gave perfect dip near idea price 100 before Hitting Fresh 52w High 114.90 Over 15% Intraday move Part booked and trailed
PARAGMILK - ParagMilk Bought 134 hit high 143.80 almost 10 points done Intra Part Booked and Trailed
MINDTREE - Mindtree Star of the day Bought 2200 hit Intraday High 2301.20 Completeing Both Targets Lot 400 20k-40k per lot Booked Full
MOTILALOFS - MotilalOfs Bought 690/685 Completed both targets Intraday 710/730 And mde High 735 70% Booked and Trailed
#SCI - Sci Bought 117/115 and #Granules Bought 353/350 Both closed near cost.